In Vinylom we believe in Music. Without music, life would be extremely hard. Many times music is the only medicine our heart and soul need.
Vinyl record is the best format for music to “live” in. We sure love CD’s and cassettes, but the vinyl record could be a unique piece of art, even if it is released in millions of copies. Everything about a vinyl record is a pleasant experience, even the small scratches or the "hairy lines" that define its route through time.
Vinyl record is not just a strictly commercial product; it is something deeply sentimental. Every vinyl record in our collection, is a small piece of our lives. It’s full of sounds and feelings, joy and sorrow. Many vinyl records represent the circumstances of when they were bought. So, we should strive for a platform that respects it and gives it value, when it comes to the sale or trade of it.
We believe that getting vinyl records through a marketplace should be attainable and available to anyone. We cannot put a ceiling on the prices, but we can easily allow trades between users, thus enabling all collectors to obtain vinyl records paying nothing but also to unload records they do not want.
There must be a Community of people who love music and the Vinyl Record format and who will create strong relationships with each other, help each other and work all together for the development of the vinyl album by a powerful music community.
That's why we created Vinylom Community, Vinylom Marketplace, Vinylom Encyclopedia and Vinylom Tribute (NEW). That's why we collaborate with vinylom users around the world, with whom we share beliefs and work hard to improve and develop the marketplace, the blog, the Community, the Encyclopedia and all other features to be added soon.
That's why vinylom managed to have thousands of registered members globally, hundreds of sellers and 1,500,000 items on sale. Numbers which become larger as you read these lines.
IF YOU BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE, you are very welcomed to follow Vinylom
Feel free to talk about Vinylom Community and our cause, to any vinyl record lover you know. Trust Vinylom's Community Sellers to provide you with the next piece of your collection. Trade or Sell. Contact me and send us your thoughts and proposals. We will be glad to work with you for a better future for vinyl record and record collecting.
Above all, We want you to Believe In Music !
A big thank you to all !

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