"We have met some wonderful clients that have placed repeat orders through Vinylom! Vinylom pays sellers immediately! and are not charging any commission until October to help sellers during this stressful time! Their site is easy to navigate and to upload a portion of our immense catalog!
VINTAGE VINYL loves Vinylom!!!"
Evanston, Illinois, USA, (since 1979)
Used, New, Rare Metal Vinyl Records from hundrends of online record stores
Vinylom is a music marketplace for Metal Vinyl Records, CDs, Tapes, Music DVDs, and too many objects related to music.
Vinylom is home to collectible and hard-to-find vinyl Metal records, new and used. Pick your next vinyl record among the 700+ on line record stores.
The online independent record stores that participate in Vinylom are all excellent professionals.
Vinylom supports independent record stores. They are the ones who have supported and continued to support music over the years.
We believe vinyl records' future belongs to independent record stores and not to the huge marketplaces that sell underwear, phones, home appliances, and... vinyl records.
Vinylom's purpose also is to record and promote the culture and history of the Metal vinyl record.
At Vinylom, you will find record stores from the US, UK, Europe, and from all over the world. Many excellent Vinyl records are available at the Vinylom marketplace from over 600 shops.
We'll be thrilled if you buy your next Vinyl Record for your collection from Vinylom.