Mantovani And His Orchestra - In Mexico - 3966517 - Vinyl - LP Mantovani And His Orchestra - In Mexico - 3966517 - Vinyl - LP

Mantovani And His Orchestra - In Mexico - 3966517

Format: Vinyl (LP)

Seller: Eclectic_Vinyl_Recor
Overal Rating:   100% positive , 26 rating(s)
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Location: United Kingdom
Catalog: 14167 items
Seller since: Apr-2017
Τotal items sold: 12
Last time logged in: 18/06/2024

Cover: Very Good+
Record: Very Good+
Press Year:
Press Country:
Catalog Number: RDS 6896
Listed On: 20/03/2024
Viewed: 12
£0.90 (1.03€) +shipping (read description)
A1 Spanish Flea
A2 Mexicali Rose
A3 Ay Ay Ay
A4 Perfidia
A5 Cielito Lindo
A6 Adios Muchachos
B1 La Paloma
B2 Chiquita Mia
B3 Mexican Hat Dance
B4 Besame Mucho
B5 The Orange Vendor
B6 Vaya Con Dios | LP

Shipping Cost

UK: Standard: £3.30 for the 1st 12" LP / £0.50 each extra added
UK: Recorded: £4.40 for the 1st 12" LP / £0.50 each extra added
Europe: Standard £7.80 or the 1st 12" LP / £1.00 each extra added
Europe: Recorded: £13.20 for the 1st 12" LP / £1.00 each extra added
Rest Of World except Antipodes and USA: Standard: £12.10 for the 1st 12" LP / £2.00 each extra added
Rest Of World except Antipodes and USA: Recorded: £16.50 for the 1st 12" LP / £2.00 each extra added
USA: Standard: £16.20 for the 1st 12" LP / £2.00 each extra added
USA: Recorded: £20.50 for the 1st 12" LP / £2.00 each extra added
Anitipodes Standard £14.30 for the 1st 12" LP / £2.00 each extra added
Antipodes Recorded £18.20 for the 1st 12" LP / £2.00 each extra added
UK: Standard: £1.90 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette / £0.30 each extra added
UK: Recorded: £3.10 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £0.30 each extra added
Europe: Standard £4.70 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £0.50 each extra added
Europe: Recorded: £9.90 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £1.00 each extra added
Rest Of World except Antipodes : Standard: £6.00 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £1.00 each extra added
Rest Of World except Antipodes : Recorded: £11.50 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £1.00 each extra added
Antipodes Standard: £7.10 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £1.00 each extra added
Antipodes Recorded: £11.50 for the 1st 7" Single or CD or cassette/ £1.00 each extra added
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