Black Sabbath - Live in Brussels 1970 - Vinyl - LP Black Sabbath - Live in Brussels 1970 - Vinyl - LP
Black Sabbath - Live in Brussels 1970 - Vinyl - LP

Black Sabbath - Live in Brussels 1970

Format: Vinyl (LP) - First Press

Seller: MadManMoon
Overal Rating:   100% positive , 18 rating(s)
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Location: Denmark
Catalog: 321 items
Seller since: Sep-2016
Τotal items sold: 17
Last time logged in: 16/07/2024

Cover: Mint
Record: Mint
Genre: Heavy Metal
Subgenre: Traditional Metal
Press Year: 2019
Press Country: France
Catalog Number: VER 77
Listed On: 10/02/2023
Viewed: 158
22.50€ +shipping (read description)
Recorded live during 'Paranoid' tour at Theatre 140, Brussels, Belgium on 3rd October 1970.
Excellent quality master recording.

Shipping Cost

CD - € 8.00
1-6 LPs - € 14.00
2 CDs or more - € 14.00
Registered mail has a flat rate of € 18.00
Double LP/CD count as 2 units etc.

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