Elvis Presley - The Elvis Presley COllection - Vinyl - 2 x LP Elvis Presley - The Elvis Presley COllection - Vinyl - 2 x LP

Elvis Presley - The Elvis Presley COllection

Format: Vinyl (2 x LP)

Seller: VancouverLPbeast
Overal Rating: New Seller/No feedback yet
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Location: Canada
Catalog: 11 items
Seller since: Jan-2024

Cover: Near Mint or M-
Record: Very Good+
Press Year:
Press Country:
Catalog Number:
Listed On: 31/01/2024
Viewed: 57
C$22.00 (14.68€) +shipping (read description)

Shipping Cost

Roughly $15-$25 depending on where in North America - sorry not shipping outside US / Candaa
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