Skeeter Davis - I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know - LP, Album, Comp - Vinyl - LP Skeeter Davis - I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know - LP, Album, Comp - Vinyl - LP

Skeeter Davis - I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know - LP, Album, Comp

Format: Vinyl (LP)

Seller: Vidman317
Overal Rating:   100% positive
Check his feedback
Location: United States
Catalog: 6641 items
Seller since: Jan-2020
Last time logged in: 07/06/2024

Cover: Good Plus
Record: Very Good
Press Year:
Press Country:
Catalog Number: CAS-818(e)
Listed On: 16/03/2023
Viewed: 32
$7.00 (6.02€) +shipping (read description)
LP - Great Shape & Plays Well / Label - Excellent / Cover - VGood Shape

Shipping Cost

LP - Shipping for US $4.50 for each LP and extra $2.00 per albums
CD - Shipping is $3.00 for first CD $1 additional per CD's
45 - Shipping for 45's is $2.50 per record 1.50 per extra records
10' - Shipping is $3.50 per Record $1.50 extra records
Shipping Out Of Country is Calculated by Location and Weight
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