BRUBECK, DAVE - Albums 1953-1998. Collection including following full albums Jazz At Oberlin, Ja - CD - Album BRUBECK, DAVE - Albums 1953-1998. Collection including following full albums Jazz At Oberlin, Ja - CD - Album

BRUBECK, DAVE - Albums 1953-1998. Collection including following full albums Jazz At Oberlin, Ja

Format: CD (Album)

Seller: freeb
Overal Rating:   100% positive , 57 rating(s)
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Location: Belarus
Catalog: 15092 items
Seller since: Nov-2022
Τotal items sold: 52
Last time logged in: 24/06/2024

Cover: No Cover
Record: Very Good
Press Year:
Press Country: RUSSIA
Catalog Number:
Listed On: 25/03/2024
Viewed: 19
$10.00 (8.60€) +shipping (read description)
Albums 1953-1998. Collection including following full albums Jazz At Oberlin, Jazz Goes To College, Dave In Disneyland, Gone With The Wind, Time Out, Brubeck And Rushing, Brubeck A La Mode, Music From West Side Story, Time In, Bravo! Brubeck!, We're All Together Again, Back Home, paper Moon, Blue Round A La Turk,In Their own Sweet Way, So What's New | BRUBECK, DAVE

Shipping Cost

1CD/7" to Europe $ 5.99
2CD/7" to Europe $ 7.00
3CD/7" to Europe $ 8.50
4CD/7" to Europe $ 9.95
Registered mail w/tracking number and Insurance - additional $4 USD

1CD/7" to rest of the World $ 6.99
2CD/7" to rest of the World $ 8.50
3CD/7" to rest of the World $ 10.00
4CD/7" to rest of the World $ 12.50
Registered mail w/tracking number and Insurance - additional $4 USD
1LP shipped to Europe: $ 8.95
2-3LP shipped to Europe: $15.00
4-7LP shipped to Europe: $25.00
Registered mail w/tracking number and Insurance - additional $4 USD

1LP shipped to rest of the World: $11.95
2-3LP shipped to rest of the World: $18.95
4-7LP shipped to rest of the World: $28.00
Registered mail w/tracking number and Insurance - additional $4 USD
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