PRECAMBRIAN - Aeon - Vinyl - 7" PRECAMBRIAN - Aeon - Vinyl - 7"
PRECAMBRIAN - Aeon - Vinyl - 7" PRECAMBRIAN - Aeon - Vinyl - 7"


Format: Vinyl (7") - First Press

Seller: ledotakas
Overal Rating:   100% positive
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Location: Lithuania
Catalog: 242 items
Seller since: Apr-2016
Last time logged in: 14/01/2025

Cover: Mint
Record: Mint
Genre: Heavy Metal
Subgenre: Black Metal
Press Year: 2016
Press Country: Finland
Catalog Number: PR 044
Listed On: 25/01/2022
Viewed: 380
10.00€ +shipping (read description)
started few years ago with much promising debut seven-inch, researchers of pre-historic excavations do not rush things a lot, and keep alluring a curious yet determined listener with only two new tracks, recorded in autumn of 2015, continuing with damn luring, furious, extreme and dramatic black metal journey into formation phase of tectonic plates, dedicating one track to eternal coldness, and the other - to the sulfur element; whatever topic they choose - this project has an enormous potential, while a full-length release is hopefully not so far away!

Shipping Cost

Standard rates [EU countries]:
1-2 items = 6.00 €
3-6 items = 9.00 €
7-14 items = 12.00 €
15+ items = 25.00 €

Heavy rates [EU countries]:
1-2 items = 9.00 €
3-5 items = 12.00 €
6+ items = 25.00 €

Standard rates [other countries]:
1-2 items = 7.50 €
3-6 items = 13.00 €
7-14 items = 18.00 €
15+ items = 30.00 €

Heavy rates [other countries]:
1-2 items = 13.00 €
3-5 items = 18.00 €
6+ items = 30.00 €

Standard rates mean CD, DVD, MC, 7”EP formats.
Heavy rates mean 10”LP, 12”LP, double 10”LP, double 12”LP, and all kind of boxset formats.

If your order includes at least one item of heavy format, postage price will be counted according to the heavy rate.
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