Milan Svoboda & Prazsky Big Band - Poste Restante - Vinyl - LP Milan Svoboda & Prazsky Big Band - Poste Restante - Vinyl - LP

Milan Svoboda & Prazsky Big Band - Poste Restante

Format: Vinyl (LP)

Seller: prog
Overal Rating:   90% positive , 10 rating(s)
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Location: Hungary
Catalog: 8245 items
Seller since: Aug-2016
Last time logged in: 26/06/2024

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Genre: Jazz
Press Year: 1982
Press Country: Czechoslovakei
Catalog Number: 1115 3115
Listed On: 11/03/2017
Viewed: 287
25.00€ +shipping (read description)
Ex-/m- | MILAN SVOBODA PRAGUE BIG BAND:POSTE RESTANTE CZECHOSLOVAKIAN FUSION BIG BAND, PROG-FUNK-SWING-FUNK ELEMENTS YOU CAN ALSO FIND IN EVERY RECORD....FANTASTIC!!! GREAT RECORDING, A MUST HAVE RECORD!!! Milan Svoboda ( born Prague, December 10th 1951) grew up in a family with an extensive artistic backgraund. His mother is a Doctor of musicology, and an enthusiaslic pianist who has widely promoted the output of Josef Suk, his father is a film historian, amateur violist and acter, his aunt a theatre actor appearing st Prague's major theatres, his cousin Jiri Stivin is a distinguished jazz flautist and composer. While attending the Prague Conservatoire, Svoboda began studying the oboe but soon changed over to organ playing, possibly under the influence of the instrument s sound range and its impressive cultural traditions. He graduated from the organ class of Professor J. Ropek in 1976. His thirst for knowledge and for uncovering wider relationships led him to study composition, musicology and eventually to write specialized articles for the press, but these have always been somewhat marginal to his prime interests. Milan Svoboda s generation was invariably enchanted with the music of the Beatles, some of his contemporaries proceeding from there in search of the sounds of modern jazz. Svoboda became acquainted with jazz during his studies at the state Conservatoire, at what was then known in Czechoslovakia as a people s conservatoire of music, whose jazz section was led by the eminent Czech jazz player and teacher Karel Velebny. Together with his classmates and other students who felt the urgent need of expressing themselves primarily in jazz, Svoboda established, in 1974, the Prague Amateur Jazz Orchestra, later known as the Prague Big Band. Svoboda was attracted not only by the traditions of swing but also by the rhythms of rock and by the metric patterns of non-European cultures, which were at that time being introduced ino jazz by Don Ellis. Milan Svoboda was by that time also becoming acquainted with the musicsl style of Carla Bley and Gill Evans. Quite soon the Prague Big Band was quite a match for many a professional ensemble, its paramount problem being how to secure the orchestra s bare existence. Up to 1988 Svoboda did his best to keep the ensemble going but it was crucial to come to terms with the prevailing realities af Czechoslovakia s musical life and to take advantage of all the existing opportunities. During that period Milan Svoboda made his name as a composer not only on the domestic scene but also on a European snd worldwide scsle. In 1984 Svoboda spent eight months at the Berklee College of Music in Boston; at the final concert an orchestra made up of the school s professors and pupils performed Svoboda s suite Gemini. In 1985 he founded a Czech-Polish Big Band, componed of leading soloists from both countries. This orchestra then performed at festivals in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Germany. The Kontraband orchestra, which brought together Milan Svaboda s pupils, members of a younger generation and which is nowadays invited to play at major European jazz festivals, was born at summer jazz workshaps organized by the Czech Jazz Society. In chamber music Svoboda is well-known as a solo pianist who performs in duets with the trumpeter and cornet player Michal Gera. He has had his own quartet for 15 years with whom he recorded several albums and earned international renown. Far all these ensembles Milan Svoboda has written many compositians, frequently in the extensive form of suites which aptly reflect the author s need to express himself in a format that integrates the method of jazz improvization with the language of 20th century classical music, resulting in a clear-cut compositional goal. Milan Svoboda has also made a name far himself as a composer of music for the stage ( regular cooperation with the National Theatre in Prague or later with K Theatre) and of film music (cooperation with Hollywood film music compos

Shipping Cost

Priority shipping to EUROPE: 12 EUR for 1 record and 4 EUR each addtional.
Priority shipping to OVERSEAS /America-Asia-Africa-Australia/: 14 EUR for 1 record and 5 EUR each additional record.
Double LP will be applied to two items.

Single 7" :
9,50 EUR for first record + 1 € more for each additional record for all over the world.

CDs or Tapes: 9,50 EUR for first CD + 1 € more for each additional CD for all over the world.
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