Evelyn Champagne King - Smooth Talk - Vinyl - LP Evelyn Champagne King - Smooth Talk - Vinyl - LP
Evelyn Champagne King - Smooth Talk - Vinyl - LP Evelyn Champagne King - Smooth Talk - Vinyl - LP

Evelyn Champagne King - Smooth Talk

Format: Vinyl (LP) - First Press

Seller: rosestar
Overal Rating:   100% positive
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Location: Canada
Catalog: 57 items
Seller since: Jan-2020
Last time logged in: 13/07/2024

Cover: Good
Record: Good
Genre: Funk / Soul
Subgenre: Rhythm & Blues
Press Year: 1977
Press Country: Canada
Catalog Number: APL1 2466-A
Listed On: 23/01/2020
Viewed: 530
C$2.00 (1.33€) +shipping (read description)

Shipping Cost

$ 8.00 Dollard Cad per lp
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