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Rusty Warren - Sin-sational - Vinyl - LP Rusty Warren - Sin-sational - Vinyl - LP
Rusty Warren - Sin-sational - Vinyl - LP Rusty Warren - Sin-sational - Vinyl - LP

Rusty Warren - Sin-sational

Format: Vinyl (LP)

Seller: therecordboxco
Overal Rating:   100% positive
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Location: United States
Catalog: 412 items
Seller since: Sep-2017
Last time logged in: 28/06/2024

Cover: Very Good
Record: Very Good
Genre: Non-music
Subgenre: Comedy
Press Year: 1961
Press Country: US
Catalog Number: JGM 2034
Listed On: 02/10/2017
Viewed: 573
$5.00 (4.30€) +shipping (read description)
Normal wear and tear. Scuff marks from sitting between albums. Corners and edges are fair considering age with exception to the top right corner, the spine is split from the opening to about 1 and 3/4" inward. Contains inner vinyl sleeve. Record itself looks in good condition.

Shipping Cost

Buyer pays $5 shipping. US only. No international shipping. Accepted form of payment: PayPal.
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