Michael Nesmith  - Nevada Fighter - Vinyl - LP Michael Nesmith  - Nevada Fighter - Vinyl - LP
Michael Nesmith  - Nevada Fighter - Vinyl - LP

Michael Nesmith - Nevada Fighter

Format: Vinyl (LP)

Seller: waxmuseum
Overal Rating: New Seller/No feedback yet
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Location: United States
Catalog: 4 items
Seller since: Jun-2022

Cover: Mint
Record: Mint
Press Year:
Press Country:
Catalog Number:
Listed On: 12/06/2022
Viewed: 137
$25.00 (21.49€) +shipping (read description)
Brand new record only elephant color of vinyl. Record is in mint condition and a very clean looking white vinyl.

Shipping Cost

$5 first record + $1 per every additional record. We limit to 3 records per box to ensure your records arrive in the condition they leave in.
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