Harry Connick, Jr. - We Are In Love - Cass, Album - Tape - Cassete Harry Connick, Jr. - We Are In Love - Cass, Album - Tape - Cassete

Harry Connick, Jr. - We Are In Love - Cass, Album

Format: Tape (Cassete)

Seller: Souvlaki101
Overal Rating:   100% positive
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Location: Canada
Catalog: 4440 items
Seller since: Dec-2016
Last time logged in: 15/07/2024

Cover: Very Good+
Record: Very Good+
Press Year:
Press Country:
Catalog Number: CT 46146
Listed On: 24/12/2022
Viewed: 82
$2.99 (2.57€) +shipping (read description)
| VG+/VG+ shape Canadian cassette. Comes in a new case.

Shipping Cost

Records $10.00 (Canada) $11.00 (USA) $19.00 (Rest Of World) Single records.

Cassettes & CDs $3.00 (Canada) $4.00 (USA) $6.00 (Rest Of World) Single cassette with case.
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